• Insignia for The Society of The Little Way

September 27, 1980 - The Society of The Little Way

The Society of The Little Way was an organization for women founded under Heaven’s Direction through Mother Frances. The installation of charter members was held on September 27, 1980.



“I pledge to You Dear God my time.
I pledge to You my will to serve The Divine.

I pledge to You my dedication to follow through in what I know is best for my Soul.
I pledge my total commitment to never think an act too small or unimportant
to offer it to You for the good of my Soul.

I pledge to You my sincere loyalty to show honor, dignity and sincerity in everything I do.
I pledge to You my service in following ‘The Little Way’ of Saint Therese of Lisieux.”


The Pledge for The Society of The Little Way was given in a Teaching
delivered through Mother Frances on September 3, 1980.



“The Society Of The Little Way is an Organization formed to encourage women of all ages
to imitate, cultivate and initiate the virtues set forth by Our Beloved Heavenly Mother.

The purpose of this Society is to strengthen and reflect sound moral values,
and to instill in one’s self the true desire of purification to reach the Goal of Sainthood.

Through this Society, it is the intention for all women to not only reflect, but be example
to motivate all people to see and understand
what God intended for each one; that is, to return to Him the Soul.”


The Constitution for The Society of The Little Way was given in a Teaching
delivered through Mother Frances on July 31, 1977.