“My will, a Gift from God, is a mysterious force within me. I use it constantly.
My will is a stronghold for all my decisions. My will is the source of my methods and conditions.
My will can express hope, extend charity and love. My will can be stubborn, ignoring God’s Will from Above.
My will can lead me into many places, some good, some wrong, some even evil where I lose Graces.
My will is a fortress, it is a shield. It is an armor against what the evil one yields.
Sometimes my will makes decisions unsure, and then there are times my will makes decisions all pure.
This force that God gave me, I must look at it well, for through this great Gift I can choose Heaven or Hell.
The enemy of God and the enemy of me tries to weaken my will so I will not see the tragic results that could resolve from failure to follow pure thoughts, pure deeds, to obtain good results.
I am not always aware of the importance of my will, for I allow distractions to obscure what God Wills.
I make excuses when I know that I have failed to use this force of Divine Love for the intentions God has unveiled.
It is time now for me to look at myself, review how I make my decisions, for I truly question some of the results.
A prayer should be said; I know it will give me strength, for a prayer in God’s Name is never, never in vain. I think I will say these words every day, perhaps they will lead me to Him in a more pure way.
(Personal Prayer)
These words are not much, but in my little way, elaborate words are not mine to say, for the more that I pray, I realize, that the will that He gave, is the strongest most powerful force in my physical life that I use each day.”