Saint John
of The Cross

1542 - 1591

Saint John of The Cross

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

March 17, 1999 at 1:50 pm


“I am Saint John of The Cross. For many men, women and children it might be difficult, in reading My Words, and the Words of Many, Many, Many Others Who have spoken through This Gift of Divine Love in such a natural way, delivering Instructions along with Divine Love, on so many areas in which human beings are not just attracted to, but are part of in daily living, and in their daily associations with others of all ages.

The Father has given to mankind Volumes of Information that no one else would have the ability to dictate so much Personal Communication, Direction, because human life would not have the insight, the reasoning, or the ability to speak as Each One does Who walks with The Father, speaks with The Father, communicates with The Father of All Things.

To some My Statement will be hard to understand, perhaps even questionable, but as This Gift of The Father’s Love has been given to mankind, enlightening mankind to the close Association human life is to The Divine, logic speaks for itself, because Divine Love is Logical, Loving, and constantly aware of the Importance of This Gift of The Father’s Love that has been allowed to be put into script, proving to mankind of all degrees of intellect what a Precious Gift human life is, and that All of The Saints Here in the Heavens have joined in speaking in different ways, using terminology at different times, knowing that the terminology will be important to different individuals and give them Strength to better understand what a Magnificent Gift human life is to man.

The little one through whom We All speak, delivers the Words as We deliver Them through her, not necessarily to her. This is a Fact, not fictional, not imaginary, but one in which others should see as an Important Statement, because this little one speaks the Words as They are implanted into the mind Word for Word, and there are no exceptions to Anything that has been delivered.

Today is a day of great importance to every living human being, because as each day awakens one to a new day, every man, woman and child should understand the importance of what occurs is important to the Soul they are the custodian of, responsible for, never doubting that the Soul, as a Portion of The Creator, is the Sole Purpose for This Gift of Divine Love, because the Soul, working Hand in Hand with The Creator, is an Instrument of Divine Love.

Many of The Saints request The Father to help all who are a part of This Gift to have the additional strength to be able to encourage hundreds, thousands, even more individuals, to pass the written Words throughout the world, because of the Souls that without These Words, will be ‘the victims’ of the individuals in whom They were placed at the moment of conception.

A Great Blessing goes with each time The Father requests One from Here to speak, and as One speaks, Many of Us are present because of the Importance of This Gift of Divine Love.

When an individual says to another one, ‘God bless you,’ or ‘God be with you,’ in many ways this short prayer is heard by All of Us.

Hopefully, thousands of individuals will read All of the Words thus far delivered and Those yet to come, and many Souls will find peace in Them, because of Them. Please, I beseech you, remember These Words. So be it.”