“I am your Heavenly Mother. As We stood at the Foot of The Cross, the pain, the suffering, was unbearable to watch. We saw so many who did not realize the Magnitude of This Sacrifice that was being portrayed, to instill in mankind how injustice to human life can be an abomination, and can only be a pleasure to the enemy of God and man. We saw men fear what they were doing, but the fear was not for The One being Sacrificed, it was fear for themselves to not carry through what they had been instructed to do.
The Father has given to mankind a Gift of His Divine Love. This Gift bears the Name of His Holy Spirit, humanly known to mankind as ‘The Beloved Saint Joseph’. For so long a time, man has only associated His Name with being The Foster Father of The Son of God.
The world at this point in time, through This Miracle of The Father’s Divine Love, is being instructed in such a Personal Way, on so many areas of past History, awakening mankind to the Importance of Every Thing, Every One that was to become known for Their Presence, because of the manner in which They lived in the human role. The Father’s Way of using This Means thousands of years later, was so that mankind could associate to the Importance of The Father’s Close Association to human life.
Today in your time, so much has been given to the world, instructing men, women and children to see the Value of human life, and better understand the importance of God’s Commandments, for mankind to not just repeat the Words, but to follow the meaning in the Words, and to be ever conscious of the indepthness that is so oftentimes eliminated in Words that would more deeply describe what each Commandment fully meant, and means.
I stand over this little one through whom I speak, and the Power I extend through her for These Words to be written, is a Power unknown to mankind. This Miracle Of The Beloved Saint Joseph is a Miracle to awaken mankind of the Generosity The Father is extending with so much being spoken, instructed, for mankind to not just take for granted the Reason for which human life was created, but to see the privilege it is, and that each human life bears a Soul, a Portion of The Father.
If this were not so, would Saints exist? Would so much be understood regarding the lives of so Many Who are now Saints, Who were once human beings? I ask you this.
I do not speak in anger. I speak in a Mother’s Love and Hope that millions and millions and millions, multiplied by millions, will learn from This Miracle of Divine Love what a Treasure human life is, and the Beauty of the Goal that awaits each human being for All Eternity.”