Saint Joseph,
The Holy Spirit

Saint Joseph, The Holy Spirit

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

May 29, 1997 at 2:21 pm


“Yes, I Am The Spirit of The Father. Mankind finds it difficult to find This as Fact, because mankind has read My Way in such a human form, format, as The Foster Father of The Son of God.

Let Me say this to the whole world: In the description of The Holy Family, mankind must remember that The Beloved Heavenly Queen was Immaculately Conceived with a Son. This Statement alone proves that I, as The Foster Father of The Son of God, was not man in the sense man knows man to be.

Since This Gift of The Father’s Love to the world, a child walks following All Instructions, repeating Every Word she is told to have spoken and written, thus giving to her a Responsibility of Great Importance, to reveal to mankind a Truth that was suspected, but not allowed to be spoken.

As I stood with The Beloved Queen of Heaven and The Son of God, I was The Protector. Also, who else would The Father have allowed to be The Protector, other than His Own Holy Spirit? As I walked in the world as man, it was necessary to be done this way, because of the Importance that The Son of God was to play, giving to mankind the task of walking with men one day, teaching these men in manners they could understand, and they then could deliver to others the Important Messages that The Son was revealing, regarding why man was created and the Goal for which man was created.

In the writings that spoke of Our Family Way, All that was Fact was not written, and that is why This Gift of Divine Love, Announcing to the whole world the Truths of how The Holy Family stood, how It was joined together in a way, a manner, that mankind could morally understand, morally handle, because of the In-depth Greatness of The Father, giving to mankind a Family that mankind could relate to.

Through the years, there have been some who have thought about the Truths that were evident to them, but most were afraid to say them openly, so The Father chose This Time in the History of human life, to appoint This Time, giving to mankind Sound Reasoning regarding What The Holy Family fully consisted of, how It was formed, making It appear normal, natural, unquestionable, because of mankind’s inability to understand the Magnitude of The Divine.

The Father has Blessed the whole world with This Miracle of His Divine Love, and though it will take some time for This Revelation to be acceptable by many, nonetheless, Truth is evident and will one day be spoken openly. There are volumes I could dictate at this time regarding the Power of God, and All that He yearns for mankind to follow, to better understand that each human being has within them a Portion of Him.

This, of course, is difficult for mankind to understand, but I say, ‘Accept This Statement as Fact, as Strength, because the Soul is a Portion of The Father that automatically tells an individual the Truth is important, and that sound moral values must be practiced because of the Soul that is the recipient of all that an individual says, does, is example of.’

Mankind should ask himself or herself, ‘What would life be like if there was no Goal to reach for?’ This question alone should help an individual understand that human life has been designed to live again through the Soul. So be it.”