Our Heavenly Mother

Our Heavenly Mother

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

April 11, 1996 at 1:03 pm


“I am your Heavenly Mother. I have many Titles. Each of them pleases Me, because each of these Titles appeals to different children of Mine.

I answer all prayers in the manner and to the degree I know is necessary. It is important for children of all ages to more fully understand what a Treasure human life is, what a Gift of Divine Love it is to man.

There are many children throughout the world, all ages, who have not been, or are not being taught or instructed on the importance of prayer. Ask yourself: What does prayer mean to you? Do you really see it as communication, verbal, silent, or just a thought? because communication several times a day would automatically give a child of any age strength, courage, and the ability to rationalize obstacles that might occur, or small needs that happen.

It is important for mankind to understand there is a Heaven, there is a Purgatory, there is a Hell. It is also important for mankind to be thankful for human life, because it is through being born that mankind has the opportunity to personally serve God in many ways, and be able to have a Closeness with Him that no other object or thing in the world has, and that is the Soul. Granted, the Soul cannot be seen, nor can It be felt as a Portion of the body, but logic tells an individual that ‘I believe in God, and I could only have this belief, this need, this love, because of the Soul that He gave me at a given time.’

We hear so many throughout the world fear the idea of having within them Something that belongs to God, because mankind associates the senses with human life, and especially what passes through the mentality on many subjects that they feel is life.

As it has been delivered before this time, and is constantly being delivered of late, mankind is being instructed Personally on a continuous basis, on the Importance of the Closeness man has with God, because of the Soul that is immediately placed at the moment of conception. In each conception the child has a helplessness, and in this helplessness there is a dependence upon those who were involved in the conception of this individual or more, child or children. There is an immediate responsibility, there is a moral obligation, there is a Spiritual obligation, because of the Importance of the conception being what it is, and that it contains one Soul, or two Souls or more.

Mankind, in logic, should automatically understand that for mankind to have the intellect, the knowledge of right over wrong, good over evil, there would have to be Something within each human being other than the human instincts, understanding, to allow every individual to see the Magnitude of conception, the Worth and Importance of every human being. This alone says human life has a Purpose, a Goal, and it is important to be recognized, and not allow anyone to ignore this Gift of Divine Love that The Father has so generously bestowed for a very long time, on human beings, in human beings.

We hear much about the personality, the mentality, the abilities, but rarely do We hear anything about that Beauty that is in each child, that is expressed by their very being. This Miracle The Father has Designed is a Gift to mankind beyond what the human mind could ever conceive, because human life has a Goal, a responsibility, and innately in human beings there is a need for respect in all areas of human life.

The world has been Blessed by This Miracle because so much has been explained that mankind could not have thought of in the detail that it has been given. Mankind says, ‘I want hope for progress, for success.’ This Miracle is to remind mankind that each human being has a responsibility, and this involves the Soul that cannot be seen, but logic says It is felt in many ways because of the distinct instinctiveness that man knows right from wrong, good from evil. So be it.”