Saint Athanasius

c. 296 - 373

Saint Athanasius

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

December 28, 1992 at 8:50 pm


“When the Bound Words are passed to a great number of people, at first many will say, ‘Why would so Many Saints take Part in This Miracle that is said to be of such Great Importance?’ At first it might be difficult for many to believe so Many of Us would speak, because it has not been done before this time. I am Saint Athanasius.

There are many men, women and children of all races, all colors, all creeds, who want the world to be better morally than it is. All of the Instructions, the Directions that have been given by All Here, is to encourage mankind, to instruct mankind, and to give mankind the manner in which all can partake beneficially, to correct so many wrongs that are being practiced throughout the world.

Justification of these wrongs is because mankind has forgotten the value of sound moral values, sound moral standards, and the Importance of human life according to God’s Standards. Though there are many who are dedicated to fight for what is right, there are many who do not see These Standards practical, logical, or in keeping with their way of life.

There are so many heresies throughout the world, and it is sad to say that mankind is ignoring important things such as heresies are.

There are so many ways for mankind to make daily living a happier event and in many ways grow in hope, because of the Reason for which life was Instituted by God Himself.

There are many men, women and children who will find the Bound Words not just a delight, but an inner understanding, plus more strength in being able to face obstacles, internal and external. All the things that have been passed through This Miracle are to encourage mankind to see the Value of that Special Gift of Divine Love, the Soul, Its Purpose and Its Goal.

Mankind daily has rules he must adhere to, man-made rules, because these rules give order to work areas, scholastic areas, home life, and every other area of man’s life. I do not just suggest but I encourage all of mankind to relearn God’s Commandments and begin to understand the full meaning meant by each one. Though They appear simple in form, each has a great depth in meaning.

When mankind looks in a mirror he sees a physical being. When God looks at mankind He sees the condition of the Soul. So be it.”