“The Lessons you have received tonight are not Lessons for you to ponder over, but Lessons for you to absorb and to see the Sound Value in Each One of Them.
Each Lesson is to help you understand that the Gift of the physical life in the form of man, in the form of woman, has a reason far greater than the physical that you understand.
Each human being has a Soul and you have been taught many, many times That Portion of you is also a Portion of The Father. It is a Portion beyond your understanding, comprehension, ability to see in any degree of imagination.
Your Soul is alive, just as you are alive. Your Soul is action, just as you are action. Your Soul, as It lives within you, is a Portion of The Father, to give you the strength to understand the Purpose of life, the Reason for life, the Way of life, and All the Things that The Father intended for you when the physical life ends.
It is true, many men are mocking the Beauty of the Soul. It is true, many men are leading others wrongly. It is true that men are laughing at The Sacrament that must be held Holy. It is true that men are demeaning in so many ways to the privilege of the human life.
As I speak through a woman in the world, an instrument who walks in total obedience to The Father’s Will, I, your Heavenly Mother say, ‘The blasphemous way that so many men are following must stop.’
As I look down upon so much desecration each day in your time, many times, in your description of what pours from My Eyes, you would say ‘tears’ flow throughout the world from Me. It is more than tears, for each time there is such desecration, such blasphemy, it is like a wound in My Heart from an ungrateful child that has so much opportunity.
Be blessed with My Hand, with My Love, with My Heart, and know that the war that surrounds you is a war far greater than any war men could conjure up, because you see, the war does not just destroy the physical, but many Souls are being scarred unmercifully by the sins of so many people in the world.
A mother’s love is a special love. Multiply your love as a woman and get it to the weight of all the oceans in the world, all the water in the world, and when you do this, remember, My Love is Greater than the amount of that weight. My Love for each Soul is Greater than that weight.
I withdraw slowly because of the Power that I use through a human body so that My Words can reach you. So be it.”