“I, Mary Magdalene, say to you on this day, ‘Be aware, My children, that as you walk the human way, you become selfish, you become arrogant, and you respond only to a lack of self-discipline.’ Be aware of self-discipline, be aware of the life it is, the light it is, the hope it is, the security it is, and the consistency of values that self-discipline gives to you.
Men teach, men preach, men shout, ‘God is here.’ And I say to you now, ‘God is everywhere,’ but you try to find Him, sometimes in places where it is easiest for you: dark corners where you are hiding, and yes, in the sin of the world. Even though He is everywhere, I say to you now, that when He finds you in the corners you are not to be, there is sadness there, and He always waits for you to reach out and say, ‘God, help me.’ I did, you know, and when I did, I followed Him throughout every place I could. And I would look at His Garment and say, ‘Through the touch of His Garment, men will be healed; through the look in His Eyes, men will feel the revealing of truth.’
And so it is again in the days in which you live, the time of your time with men, God Himself is giving the Teaching, The Heavenly Mother has come to bless each of you, and The Beloved Joseph says to everyone, ‘Come to My Hill, for it is a City governed by Him, it is a City bearing His Name, and He is allowing Me to be The Protector for men throughout This Place, for time.’
Oh, My children, I say to you now, ‘The sins against the flesh are many.’ You truly live in a time worse than Sodom and Gomorrah. You live in a time where men have no self-discipline and men react in sadness to The Father, against His Will. There is a consistency of immorality, and I have come through This Miracle today to say: ‘Bring back to the world, morality. See that it has a consistency to it, in your mind, in your words, in your thoughts, in your deeds, in your vocations, in everything you do; a consistency of values to lead you to Him.’
Men talk about being famous. What is it to be famous? In the next moment, men can turn from you for their moods change, their likes change, their loves change; but, there is only One you must look to, and that is The Creator of All. He will never change. He will always hold out His Hand, He will always extend His Arms. And do as I did, touch the Garment, and you will know that, through It, the Power of Him and the Love that is inside this Garment will show, for the Power is greater than men can know; and the Light that you will feel, the Love that you will learn to know, will be revealed through the slightest touch, for the Glow of Him is so Powerful, It will flow through the Robe.
Be aware, My children, that prayer can be made different ways. Prayer can be an Act of Faith, helping The Father to help another child. Prayer can be an act of charity. Prayer can be casting aside the sins you have. Prayer can be a desire to do His Will alone. And prayer can be a mere thought as you pass Him by, by saying:
‘I love You, God; help me today. I do not have the time to stop in and pray, but I am aware of Where You are. Do not be unaware of where I am today, for in the reality of life, You gave me hope; and in the beauty of hope, I want my life to return to You, for where else could it go?’
My children, I cannot give you a Priestly Blessing, but I have the permission of The Father Himself to hand you the Blessing of Love from a Saint Who walked the human way, and sometimes, on a tightrope. So be it.”