Saint Joseph

Saint Joseph

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

February 18, 1971 at 11:40 am


“My daughters, the act of life that you partake in each day has many sorrows, many joys. Sometimes they balance out at the end of day. If you are wise you will learn to have the joys outbalance the sorrows, for many of the sorrows have been made by you because you have treated a situation, undignified, with little kindness, and not realizing, sometimes, that it could have been turned to proving love for God instead of yourself. The sorrows that come with sickness, with human death, with human loss of a loved nature, are enough, so do not add sorrow with your little human touch. The joys are many if you will but seek them out, draw them out, and dwell on them; for when you do this, other men are attracted to your way, to your will, to your being, for all men want joy to be part of their way.

At this moment, if I were to show you, in the sky, three halos standing by themselves, you would imagine all kinds of things. If the light of the halos became brighter, then dimmer, then brighter, you would be held in awe and a feeling of delight would be yours. It would be joy. Compare a joy such as this with living a giving, hopeful, trustful, purposeful life. You can be as the halo to other men: glowing, joy. Many children kid about being good. They make remarks about wearing a halo. Please, think of the halo as love, as a desire to give joy. Some men do not know how to give joy or even accept it. Learn it, do it. You will find a happier you and more direction for you.

I bless you with the Halo of Light so often seen when a Vision is given of One in the Heavenly Court, of a Saint. As I bless you with This, it is to help you imitate all that is good, all that is right, all that is true, all that is bright. I love you with the Heavenly Light.”