Our Heavenly Father

Our Heavenly Father

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

November 15, 2006 at 11:45 am


“I have come on this day because of My Concern of so many conditions that are being practiced outside this place.

You live in a time wherein it is so important to base practicing, using, working, just living on the Importance of why you were created and what a Beautiful Gift your creation is, because it gives you the opportunity to one day return to Where I am, and you would be called ‘a Saint’.

Sainthood is talked about in many ways, but rarely understood in Its full measure of what It means for the Soul and for the continuation of service to The Creator of All Things.

I want to speak hours on this with you, because in doing that, We could join and make others more fully understand that human life was not just put together; it was created for a Purpose, a Reason, a Goal to one day return a Portion of it called ‘a Living Portion’, ‘the Soul’, and be in the Heavenly Way that is more Beautiful than anyone could ever speak about or say, and do not forget, you were created because you were given the Gift of life to live Forever.

It takes time, yes, but do not forget, the Goal was set because of your Soul that must be returned to from Where It came. I could speak hours on this subject.

Please, I beseech you to understand that every word you speak, every thought you have, every move you make prepares you to be ‘a Saint’.”