“I have given to the world Words I sincerely feel will help thousands of human beings to become aware that I am present wherever they are, and I care, because there is no human being, human life, that does not have a Goal to reach at a later time.
It is important that All I deliver to be put into script is of the greatest importance for all ages of human living to be aware of the Communication that is available for every human being, to be able to think, speak, follow and live a life of communication with Me.
No living mentality can fully discern Who I Am, and the Power that is within Me to do all I Will to be done. No mentality has this degree that it would take to understand All I Am, and All I Can Do.
I speak slowly through one small voice, because I have requested My Communication with her to be delivered, so others will have the chance to understand they are never without My being able to communicate with them, or them with Me.
What appears as silence on My Part has a purpose beyond what I can explain openly, but there is no word spoken My Way that I do not know about it.
I could speak endlessly on this Beautiful Association I have with you, and you have with Me. My Love for this Creation of Mine is beyond what It can be discerned to be.”