“There are Many of Us Saints available all through the day and night, and We are willing to hear all you have to speak, all you would like to tell Any of Us. As there are no hours in Heaven, remember, We are always available to your wishes, requests, and love.
As Many of Us are present now, We speak with great respect for human life, and We All understand that each day is different for every man, woman and child. There are many problems, and yet along with the problems, there is courage to face the problems. Never forget, All The Saints are available to hear what you have to say. It is Part of becoming ‘a Saint’; it is Another Way to serve The Father in a loving way.
Children are not being instructed on the closeness they have to Divine Way. Humanism is natural, but the realization that there is a Divine Being, Divine Will, should be a priority in every human being’s day. Children are not being instructed on how close their Soul is to The Father, to The Heavenly Queen, and to The Holy Spirit. So much humanism is expressed on all issues, and in so many ways.
Today Many Saints are ready and available to speak through one voice, one act of love, because The Father Wills so much to be instructed, so much Direction to be put into script, giving men, women and children the Message that because of their Soul, they are in close contact with Divine Will every moment of every day.
As one voice has been instructed to speak, millions of Souls will profit by What is spoken, because All that is delivered is to give hope, strength, and more purpose to living the human way.
When We say We are leaving you, always remember, We are only a thought and a prayer away.”