Saint Catherine of Siena

1347 - 1380

Saint Catherine of Siena

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

August 18, 2000 at 2:15 pm


“I am Saint Catherine of Siena. So Many of Us have been present today during so much serious conversation weighing what is right, what is wrong on many issues, for many reasons. The beautiful part that We listen to was the fact that the Soul was thought of in a distinct way, a very reasonable, purposeful dimension of Value.

So Many Saints speak through This Gift of Divine Love, because This Gift is to instill into millions of human beings, not ideals beyond understanding, but values, practices, and ideals that give hope, beauty and sound reasonability to human life.

The Father has Blessed the world through one voice, because of the Importance of This Gift He so generously gave because of the Importance of the Soul that is a Portion of Him placed within each conception of human life.

There are so many Lessons that have passed through one voice that millions of human beings of all ages, all degrees of understanding, should see, hear and read, because each individual must be reminded that human life has a Value in it, for it, that nothing else has, and that is that Precious Gift of Divine Love, the Soul.

When We hear individuals refer to the fact that they feel that they are ‘a soul mate’ to another individual, it is recognizing the closeness, and of course, the unity of thinking they understand the relationship to be.

On the morrow when you awaken, remember those words, and put them in the context of being ‘a Soul mate’ to your own Soul because, do not forget, you are responsible for that Soul that is a Portion of The Creator, and must return It to Him in a State of Purity, but also a state of accomplishment that you, through serving Him in the human life, gave much credit to your Soul and made It ‘a Saint’, to be one day recognized as a Saint.

So much could be spoken about This Gift of Divine Love, so much has been spoken. Perhaps through what We have spoken many, many times, instructing on the Importance of human life, many, many Souls will be returned to from Where They came, ‘Great Saints’. True, what They were when They were placed within a human life, They were considered Great, but given the privilege to pass through a lifetime with a human being, places Them in a different category of Divine Light.

So much has been revealed and so much more to come, because human life has been gifted, never forgotten, because at different times ‘an individual’ has been sent to remind men, women and children that they are the custodian of a Special Gift of Divine Light, representing them in a Form called ‘the Soul’. So be it.”