Saint Joseph

Saint Joseph

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

June 2, 1970 at 3:28 pm


“So many children are in pride, and they do not realize that pride can many times be used to draw the child from God. Satan sometimes uses the child’s pride to enter into the weakness that the child succumbs easily to. The enemy of God says: ‘You’re great. You’re smart. You’re intelligent. You’re foolproof. You can handle all things you want.’ A child that listens to such foolishness needs prayer, direction and care.

So I say to you, ‘When you feel self-love so strong, turn to God, ask His Help, and He will help you right then.’ Don’t hesitate, My little ones, in calling for help. No man truly walks alone by Himself, for God must accompany every step, every breath, for if He didn’t man would stop instantly.

The Power of God is evident every day you live. So, children, strip yourselves of pride and pray more for all humility, for when you do, the richness you will feel, the joy that you will know, the purity that you strive for, will be purpose all its own. Don’t allow God just a little while, but say to Him:

‘I love You, God. Help me to turn to You often through the day, so I will grow in strength and love Your Way.’

The Holy Eucharist must be received by every child who knows the Truth that It is. Don’t limit yourself to His Gift of Love but receive It often, and as you hold Him in your breast, what better time to talk to Him, to tell Him of your love and how much you do depend on Him.

The Rosary must be much a part of every day you live. Think often of its power, and the Grace it gives. The prayers, when they are said, bring many Souls to God. Take the time, show the love, and say these prayers to Her. So be it.”