“On A Chart Where Would I Grade 'Myself' On The Following Situations, Conditions, Opinions?”
Teaching Delivered Through
Frances Marie Klug September 1, 1993
- “Ridicule must be substantiated by sound logic, but how many times is ridicule anger, jealousy or irritability?
- Criticism oftentimes fails to correct a wrongdoing or situation, unless it is done with a solution that is undeniable in character, logic and fact.
- Bluntness when it is hurtful, allows no room for an acceptable response.
- Leadership — Responsibility — for a given area of home life, work area, social affair, an organization, or just a quick encounter — should be handled with dignity, respect, concern for the individual or individuals involved, and/or affected by the authority of the responsible party or parties.
- Ego — just where in life is it beneficial? Basically for self-identification, self-indulgence and/or self-love. Ego only justifies one’s self, oftentimes eliminating the reality of truth, fact, and/or what others see as totally self-importance, physically, mentally, emotionally, lacking a response to others in many ways.
- Fanaticism covers many subjects and is always detrimental to those who fall into any category it covers, and most people only connect fanaticism to religious subjects but it covers many areas of life.
- Humanism takes priority in the justification of weakness, personal opinions as to what is more pleasing to the thinking, the theory, the comfort, in both physical and Spiritual opinion; also, ideas regarding acceptable oddball practices wherein the Soul is never even thought about.
- Authority should eliminate superiority, ego, self- righteousness, because authority bears much responsibility combined with justice, honesty and dignity based on what is honest, practical and fair.
- Self-discipline is a major factor in moral values and moral standards. It is the basis for every area of life. It radiates through one’s character, actions, emotions, integrity, work habits, practices, and beliefs, and in one’s home responsibilities.
- Vindictive, because of an inexhaustible revengeful vengeance, eats at the core of retaliation, and is not always justified. Many times a moody individual misinterprets a word or words, and acts, that were not intended in the way they were received.”