“Constructive criticism has many aspects to it. Criticism in itself can be an unhealthy situation when the criticism reflects only self-opinion, self-importance, self-love, ego, or insensitivity to others personally or their private business.
Sometimes people make the great mistake thinking that their criticism is necessary for others to see things correctly. This type of criticism has only self-opinion in it, and shows the critic as full of self-importance, self-righteousness.
There are many fields of vocation wherein people feel justified in criticizing every aspect of others’ lives; the news media, not always correct, but determined to make others feel that their criticism is not only justified, but without question. Many times this causes great indignities, blasphemies, hurts, to people who are innocent of any such charges.
Before one criticizes anything or anyone, they should look at the subject, ask themselves three questions: ‘If I were to be the brunt of my criticism, would I find the criticism just? Secondly, whatever I am criticizing, is it important enough to take the chance on creating an argument, a loss of friendship, an antagonism, cause anger, and/or even sin? Third, is my criticism constructive, correctly placed; does it bear dignity and sincere purpose?’
Many times people criticize others and other things to draw attention to themselves, never really solving any problem or correcting any issue at hand. Take the time and find a tactful manner of relating a positive, helpful, hopeful condition and example to all people and to all situations, eliminating your pride in displaying criticism. Criticism rarely solves big problems, or for that matter, little ones.”