Our Heavenly Mother

Our Heavenly Mother

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

May 19, 1998 at 1:37 pm


“I am your Heavenly Mother.

So much has been spoken in an instructive formula, format, through This Gift of The Father’s Love. There are very few places in the world, wherein mankind is learning the importance of The Commandments that The Father gave to mankind a long time ago.

We hear so many men, women and children ask, ‘What are The Commandments of God?’ To some, hearing this statement would seem difficult to believe, but I, your Heavenly Mother, speak This Statement in a truthful manner, way, and degree. Humanism, in its practice of accepting all things justifiable when a human man, woman or child declares an act, a statement to be acceptable because it is natural, and they see no manner, way, or degree of it being against purity of the mind or the body.

The world has been gradually encouraging actions, involvements, and forms of impurities, ignoring totally that human life was designed with a Specific Entity of Divine Love within it, called ‘the Soul’. Ask yourself: When an act that you are requested to perform appears in any way to be impure, do you look at the whole situation, and use sound moral judgment in your decision on whether you will partake, disagree, walk away, reject?

We see thousands of individuals every day never anticipate the importance of what they do, what they say, how they act, who they allow to be near. Children are not being instructed on the importance of learning to evaluate participating in events, situations, wherein they could be involved in a dreadful, impure action that could, that would be devastating to their values.

Few children are ever talked to about one day standing before The Creator, and having to make a confession on what they practiced, because there is very, very, very little instruction in spirituality regarding the Soul that is not just an Intimate Part of human life, but is a Living Part of every human life, because this is That Portion that is a Portion of The Creator of All Things, and That Portion will remain when everything else connected to the human life will be ended.

The Father has Blessed human life with a Gift that is and was meant to live on Forever, marked by the name of the one in whom It was placed at the moment of conception.

Today as I speak, I speak with a Deep Love, a Caring Love, a Hopeful Love, that This Miracle of The Father’s Love that has given to the whole world of human life, a Personal, instructive format, reason, obligation to protect the Soul that no human being is born without, but This is the remaining Portion of human life that will be Judged because of the Importance of It, the Reason for It. The Soul is a Gift no other living matter or thing has. Protect It, cherish It, and return It full of Grace. So be it.”