Saint Joseph,
The Holy Spirit

Saint Joseph, The Holy Spirit

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

April 3, 1996 at 3:24 pm


“I am Saint Joseph. This Miracle has been given to mankind to help mankind more fully understand Who I Am, What I Am, and that mankind is to further learn more of the importance regarding their Spiritual life.

I Am The Holy Spirit of The Father, and as this is Fact, you must understand that as you were born to the Image and Likeness of The Father, you have within you a Soul. This Soul is a Spirit of The Father’s Love, a Portion of His Integral Part of human life, and you must realize that having This Soul since the moment of conception, gives your life meaning beyond all other creations.

The Soul can be explained in many ways, because It is so much a Part of all you are, all you do, all you say, in everything you express to others morally, physically, mentally. This Portion of every living human being sets mankind apart from all other living things, in that This Soul, in Its Closeness to The Father, is a constant Companion morally, physically, mentally, always offering unseen help, unseen courage, never abandoning the individual in which It is a Great Important Part.

The Soul has never been spoken about in so many ways, because mankind did not fully understand the Soul as It truly is. This Miracle of The Father’s Love has opened a great space of understanding, allowing mankind to see what a Privilege their Soul truly is to them. There is so much to be spoken to mankind on this Connection, Association, this Gift of The Father’s Love to human life.

Mankind must begin to see that the Soul is a constant Companion, and is constantly aware of all that each individual partakes in, no matter what the activity, the intention, or the outcome. So be it.”