“I am your Heavenly Mother. It is important for mankind, throughout the world, to learn of This Gift of The Father’s that gives Lessons, Information, Instructions, on the Importance of human life, What it contains, and the Goal The Father has for it.
Children of all ages must learn from This Miracle, because in All that is being given and that has been given, is beyond any volumes of instruction that mankind has put together.
All of the Revelations that have been passed through this little one, are Words of Comfort, Direction and Love that no other book or instructor can give to mankind throughout the whole world. Each Lesson is Personal, and yet includes all of mankind. Each Direction is sound, logical, and understandable to even the youngest mind.
The Father includes all ages when He speaks the Words: ‘I direct These Things to all My children. I want them to understand what a Precious Gift human life is as men, and that I have given a Goal for the Soul that is above all other gifts mankind can compare anything to, even the most precious jewels in the world.’
It is important for all of mankind to read What We have delivered, because there is nothing else in the world that has so much Love, so much Purpose, for every age, every color, every creed. When We hear small children want to know more about God, We find that the one to whom they are asking the question or questions, is inadequate in the subject, We want to whisper in their ear, ‘Read What is passing through The Miracle Of Saint Joseph, and All Things will be understood in a clarity that is undeniable in Its Worth.’
The whole world is in great moral disaster, and children are not being taught about the Soul they have within them that is the closest Thing to God they could ever imagine. Just knowing about this Soul will give strength to all ages, because so little has been taught about It, instructed on It, and emphasized regarding how Special It is, how Important It is, and that It is That Portion of human life that will remain Forever. So be it.”