“When We announce Ourselves through This Beautiful Miracle, the child through whom We speak must act immediately, no matter where she is, what she is doing. It is important that We be heard when We decide to reach you. I am your Heavenly Mother.
As you partake in the food of your day, All of Us stand Here and wish you well, for you see, We love you in many ways.
I speak through one such as you, a woman, a girl, feminine in every way, and as I come today as your Heavenly Mother, there are Words I want you to understand. I want you to feel close to Me, for you walk in a world that has so many things in it, on it, that are displeasing to God.
I come with a Motherly Love and I say the following Words: If you listen to what you know is right, you will be blessed for your decision in ways you do not know, in ways you cannot comprehend, but the Blessings will be received in your Soul. No matter what the outside world thinks, no matter what the outside world does, remember, you hold within you, your Soul, and your Soul must be returned to God for All Eternity.
Your Soul is a Portion of Him. Your Soul He watches over every day, but He has given you This Portion of Himself, for It is a Life within you. It is a Life and a Light that must be returned to Him. You have the way, you have the privilege, you have the honor, you have the knowledge, you have the trust, you have the Faith.
So much has been taught through This Great Miracle of Hope, of Light. So much has been given to the world, and so much will be passed through the Bound Words. We say to The Father, ‘Can We not pass Them through the skies so others will be reached immediately?’ He says to Us, and We smile, ‘The children will act out the Words, the children will pass the Words, because of their deep Faith in Me.’
So remember, My daughters, and My sons, as you stand here together you have an obligation, you have a responsibility, and by the way, you have permission from All of Us to give to the world What We have already given, and then there is so much more, because you see, as you act out goodness, as you are good example, as you radiate Divine Love through your purity of mind and body, it will reflect in others in ways you may never see, you may never recognize. Please be assured, as I speak today, one such as you acted in obedience, out of love, and yes, great responsibility.
As I bless you I move her hand where you cannot see it, but the Blessing was a Triple Blessing, for One was from The Father, One was from The Son, and One was from The Holy Spirit of God. And now, as I give you My Blessing as your Heavenly Mother, I say, ‘Remember that what goes through your mind is important, because when it passes through your intellect, the rest of you will react, and others will react to it.’
So be aware of everything you hold within the intellect, because what is in the intellect, what is in what you do, what you say, how you feel, how you respond, will reflect in your Soul, and never forget that The Father wants That Portion returned to Him when you take the last breath of life. So be it.”