Saint Therese
of Lisieux

1873 - 1897

Saint Therese of Lisieux

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

October 8, 1980


“Heaven has showered much Light upon many Subjects for men, and Heaven has showered Love through Direction that seemed so general and yet was so personal for so many hundreds of people.

Men light an electric light and if the bulb is burned out, it’s an upsetting situation. But when the Light of God reaches man, man does not always accept It as the Light of God. He wants It to be a very demonstrative expression of Light. He does not see It as Light. He oftentimes sees It as something that he has to endure, to put up with.

All of Heaven has showered Light upon the world through The Miracle Of Saint Joseph. All of Heaven has given man another chance to feel the Light of Enlightenment and to feel the Light of Hope, Sincerity, Dignity. All of Heaven has performed diligently, and of course, with Great Sincerity, through The Miracle Of Saint Joseph.

When The Miracle Of Saint Joseph was first announced to the world, people made It very light, and then others took It very serious. They came to The Miracle, all wanting personal healings: mental, physical and Spiritual. They were told many, many things to guide them to the Feet of God, and many of them were very arrogant. They would not have gotten away with this someplace else. It wasn’t just tolerance shown to them. It was sincere consideration for their lack of understanding in how God would work.

For thirteen years men have asked, through The Miracle Of Saint Joseph, for Direction, for prayers, for help, for hope, for understanding. It is God Who answers prayers. No human being can answer your prayers. It is God Who has enlightened the whole world with the Facts and with the Sound Reasoning, with the Values and the Standards, with the Direction. It is God Himself Who has brought back to the world the Ten Commandments, through the Light of His Love, through the Teachings through The Miracle Of Saint Joseph.

Thirteen years ago, when it was announced that It would be ‘The Miracle Of Saint Joseph’, people used to say, ‘What is The Miracle Of Saint Joseph?’ And Heaven would very graciously say, ‘It is time that Saint Joseph become known to the world for Who He really Is, How He really walked, and for What Part He really plays in Heaven.’ People hear the Words, they accept Them, but perhaps they never really understood Them.

The Miracle Of Saint Joseph was to divulge certain things about Him, and He once again has come to the world to teach, to instruct and to help children become devoted to God Himself, and to better understand what devotion is all about.

The Miracle Of Saint Joseph is Saint Joseph re-establishing Holy Mother Church through handing to the world the Teachings, the Blessings, the Truth, in how all people should act, should work, should walk, should speak, and should live. People are possessive sometimes of a Miracle, but no one can possess God. He belongs to every one of us.

And sometimes when Heaven shines the Light the brightest, the children reject It the most. And sometimes when the Light hurts the eyes, the children say, ‘I didn’t see It, just my eyes burned.’ I’ve heard this a thousand times.

Heaven says: ‘Let the Light of the Rays touch each child’s heart. Let the Light of the Rays touch each child’s mind. Let the Light of the Rays touch each child’s Faith. Let the Light of the Rays touch each child’s will, so they will come Here one day.’

As the Light shines, do you see It, do you feel It, do you know It is there? Is a Lesson Light enough for you? Is the feeling of the pressure that the Power of the Heavens gives, enough for you? Does the Light that is different than your light give you more understanding, hope, assurance? Does the Light, the Rays from Heaven, promote more Faith in you? Do you reject what you have? Do you reject what you feel? Do you reject what you know is real? Do you reject what God gives because of a lack of Faith in you? In your prayer, do you point your way to Him or are you distracted by human things? Your Soul desires Him.

Ask yourself, My children, on this night, before you lay your head, have you asked His forgiveness for all the little things you did that were not right? Ask yourself, did you say, ‘Excuse me, God,’ in your own way, when perhaps you were rude to Him? Before you lay your head tonight, before you even say you’re sorry, tell Him that tomorrow you will change, you will give all you are to making the world brighter for all who come your way. And with this very statement, you will know then that the Light of the Heavens will guide you in every way, for as you make one step in charity toward another man, you will find God’s Hand in yours, guiding you in Divine Plan.

Have Faith, My children, and look to a Light, but let the Light shine through you for all that is right. Be aware that you are children of His, and in this way the repetitiveness of prayer says to Him:

‘I am little, God. I must repeat it often so You will hear me when I pray. Remember, God, I know so few words, so I must repeat the ones I know each day. Take my prayer, God, and help others with it, and teach me the way, for I know that Your Light shines forth to the world when I express my Faith in You in my little way.’ So be it.”