God The Father

God The Father

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

February 8, 1971 at 4:10 pm


“We are on a walk, you and I. The ground is firm but the terrain is changing almost instantly. Now We are among rocks. Each rock has a color all its own. The ground is rising almost to a degree of angle, difficult to walk. You find yourselves sliding back, too breathless to talk. You are more conscious of My Presence and My continuing to walk. I keep going, I keep talking, and you struggle along, determined to follow because of My Way, My Will, My Love. I do not take your hand until you ask for help.

We are at a spot now and I see you need a rest, so I stop and chat awhile. None of you request to travel on but I know it is important that you reach the top, for there you will find your Shangri-la: Heaven, Love, Truth. I hint to you to ask for My Help. I stand up to begin again; you stand ready to go forward. I take one step and then another. As you begin to move you slide back. You suddenly realize you can’t go on. You quietly say, ‘Please, God, take my hand.’ I smile and say, ‘It has been ready for you to use all the way. You have it. Now let Us climb together so We will find the Beauty at the top that I have placed there for you a long time ago.’

As We walk, hand-in-hand, oh, you will slip now and then, but never to fall behind, for remember, My Hand is Divine. We’re almost at the top. Do not become overconfident or you will drop, but hang on tight, walk along, and soon, all together, you will see the Light, a Light unknown to man, as long as you hold My Hand.”