“I smile as I use My next Words. The little one The Father chose for such a Major Task, oftentimes requests the Angels Here Where I am, to help her. She just did.
It is difficult for some very learned individuals to believe in the Angels because they do not see Them in action, working in many areas The Father Wills Them to participate, because an Angel cannot be seen by the human eye, unless it is delegated to be by The Creator of All Things; but, today there are Many Here with Me. Many are Saints you are used to hearing from. Many are smiling at My Words.
The world has been Blessed abundantly, the whole world, because All that has been delivered, put into script, can travel far and wide, giving hope, understanding, moral and physical strength to those who read What is spoken in the Words that, in print, have the ability to be more understandable, more revealing, and more memorable.
In This Gift The Father has given to the world through one small voice, Many Saints Here in the Heavens speak without announcing Themselves. It always sounds like a casual manner, not identifiable as to Who It really is.
Throughout the world there is more aid to human life than there is understood to be. The aid, most times, is in the logic of the situation, condition or personal relationship, but personalities enter into it, and do not see it for the purpose it is in content, in concept, in importance.
As I speak today, I come with much Love for human life, because human life has the responsibilities, but also the availabilities to strengthen all that is wrong and make it right; to give hope where all things are despair; to give love where there seems to be nothing or no one who cares.
This Gift that bears the Name of The Beloved Saint Joseph, plus, of course, The Heavenly Mother and The Heavenly Father, is a Blessing beyond what the human mentality can perceive It to be. It is strengthening, not just in concept, but in the manner in which It is given, and the Goal that It consistently directs mental desires to not just sense, but feel the importance of.
Needless to say, All of Us Saints Here in the Heavens speak when it is not mentioned Who is speaking, but look at speech as a communication that can give strength, hope, and more love for what life is all about, because speech has a way of remaining in the mentalities of others, sometimes more than the printed word.
As We close These Words at this time, you can be assured that your efforts and what you practice to live a life closer to The Divine, is being answered each time you say a prayer or look at what life is all about, not in despair, but in hope to one day return to Heaven because, do not forget, Heaven is Part of you, in your Soul, every moment of every day, in every way.”