Saint Joseph

Saint Joseph
Our Heavenly Mother

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

April 22, 1971 at 1:10 pm


“My beloved daughters, man is searching for life, for truth, for knowledge, for purpose, for satisfaction, for all things that will bring him happiness, give him survival. I have handed you the Oil of Life. It is up to you to accept It or deny It. Through this Oil many men will survive and be more inclined to accept My Way. If it were up to the child, it would not be My Oil, just Fact that she would hand you, your way.

There will be many Souls come to her once they hear of the Oil from her. I will often say: ‘Send them away. They are in little Faith and are just coming to find out if you are a fake.’ She will immediately dismiss them saying: ‘Go. Return when your Faith grows.’

The Church will have to recognize her. She does not will it so. She would prefer to remain hidden and only the Words remain to bring men to God, Here in the Realm Where I am. Satan is fighting a tremendous battle; he does not want her seen nor heard. Heaven protects her in all ways and commands her to listen to only truthful ways.

The exhaustion she has is one alone. She sees beyond man’s flesh, for purposes God’s alone. In order to bring This Miracle to this point, many sacrifices had to be accepted, made and joined. Much acceptance of God’s Will totally, had to be to allow This Miracle of Mine to be seen.

You will find yourselves so alert to what The Miracle is all about that you will want to strike out at those who do not believe. Remember this: Accept God’s Will, be kind, be generous, and be still. Be joyful, be tolerant, be flexible, so you will be example for all who come, for it will be your firmness in your belief, your courage in your way, your strength in what you do and say, that will make others see the way.

The child carries, at times, the invisible Wounds in her hands that are Mine; not to be let out to mankind. I burn her now, as a hole driven by The Divine.

So be it for now, until another time.”