Asking for Help

“Just say to Him, ‘God, help me.’ What is more simple than this,
and what is more pleasing to Him than this? ‘God, help me.’

Saint Mary Magdalene
April 22, 1973

“I love You, Blessed Mother, in a very special way. Help me to understand the things I’m to do today. Do not let the evil one enter in any way but help me every step I take on this day.”

Our Blessed Mother
April 21, 1970

“You quietly say, ‘Please, God, take my hand.’ I smile and say, ‘It has been ready for you to use all the way. You have it.’

God The Father
February 8, 1971

“Dear God, let my eyes show Your Love.

Let my words express only the Truth You are.

Let my actions be example to all mankind and let my heart beat only with The Divine.

Let me give to the world what You Decree.

Let my love extend to all men, only to show the Beauty of Your Grace and the love of my Soul.

Dear God, help me to know what You Will for me. Help me to feel only the desire to work accordingly.

I love You, God. Help me to work only for You, to live only for You, and to desire to be only in the sight of You. So be it.”

Saint Alphonsus Liguori
January 4, 1975

“If you do not feel well, offer it, but serve with it, in it, through it, and yes, use it to the best advantage you can. If, mentally, you are low, say, ‘God, help me grow in Your Way alone.’

Saint Junipero Serra
January 5, 1975

“Please, God, help me in all things and help me on a road to You, for I know man cannot do this for me.”

Saint Francis of Assisi
April 18, 1972

“So many children forget to ask The Beloved Father to help them make decisions. They are so self-willed, they are so in love with themselves that they omit this one small thing:
‘Please, God, help me make the correct decision.’

Saint Anne
May 2, 1972

“I, on this night, give you a prayer to say.
Keep it in mind as you go your way:
‘Dear God, let my body act as You Will it to act. Let my mind think how You Will it to think. Let my tasks be Your Way, Your Desire for me, and let my Soul reach You in Eternity.’

Saint Francis of Assisi
May 31, 1972

“Remember it as well as you can and say it as often as you can.
‘Dear Father in Heaven, bless my way. Take care of those who I love, and as You do, direct their Souls to You and never let them stray. And as You do this, oh, my God, please keep my love in mind, and help me do Your Will all the time.’

Saint Martin de Porres
May 31, 1972
“I accept today, my God, totally Your Way. I accept what You want me to do for You, totally Your Way.
Help me to love You as You Will it to be. Help me to seek You and Your Way for me. Help me to know what is best for me. Help me to love as You Will it to be. Hold my hand. Do not let go. Remember God, I am slow to know what is best for me.”
God The Father
January 2, 1973

“ ‘Dear God, I hold You dear. I love You with my whole being. I thank You for this life. Please protect me every moment and help me to know what is right. Help me to express to others, whom I love and whom I know, the beauty of the privilege of the human role. Let me be example, let it show; and let the world not give me acclaim, but let me be example for You in Your Name. Let this small prayer, The Sign of The Cross, be such an open way that all men who see me do it will think of You right away.
Let me, in this small act of love, express fully my love for You each day. Dear God, I love You.’

That is all you have to say; He will do the rest.”

Saint Joseph
February 8, 1974

“Do not ask others to lead you, but turn to The Father and say:
‘I have sinned, please help me.
I am concerned, please help me.
I walk in doubt, please guide me.
Oh God, help me be a Saint.’

Saint Mary Magdalene
November 25, 1972

“ ‘God, help me to walk in purity each day. God, help me to know what I must do, what I must say to help others walk Your Way. Dear God, help me to become so pure that my time of reparation is short before I enter the Kingdom with You.’
For you see, My children, All Things that enter the Kingdom of Heaven must be purified before they see the Face of Him.”

Saint Anthony Mary Claret
November 27, 1974

“Thank You, God, for the time You have given me, to walk in a light of hope, not misery. Help me to know if I’m doing right. Help me to grow in Divine Light. Help me to use my time productively for the good of my Soul, as example to others in Honor of The Holy Trinity.”

September 27, 1978

“I will give you a verse for you to remember for all days; hold it dear, keep it close, say it often:
‘Heavenly Father, Beloved Mother, never let me stray. Hold me close to Your Hearts every day. When I am despondent, help me to understand it will pass away. When I am fearful, help me to grow more in Faith.
Help me to be strong, to be a warrior each day, for the good of my Soul and other men’s Souls to return to You, one day. I love You with the beat of my heart; and my littleness is all Yours; for whatever You Will it to be, to do, I ask You to let it be done, Your Way.’

The Sacred Heart
July 26, 1975

“Forsake me not, my Heavenly Father. Forgive me for all things I do against Thee. Help me to strive for Sainthood. Allow me to be a warrior in Your Name. Teach me to extend to all mankind Your Love, Your Mercy, in Your Name. Help my Faith grow in what is good. Help me to know what I am to do.
Help me to see, not beyond my capabilities, but to the degree best for me.”

Saint Catherine of Siena
July 27, 1975

“God, take everything I do today, and please, let it be to help a Soul of someone that I love, someone that You want to help, and God, do not forget me.”

Saint Not Named
November 3, 1978

“Oh God, give me the privilege to serve You. Oh God, allow my will to be forever with You. Oh God, give me the strength to endure the suffering only human, for the Souls throughout the world. Oh God, make me an instrument to help each one I meet, to enlighten them with Your Own Words, for the good of every man I meet. Dear God, help me to reach out for You and give each one I meet the food of life, the food of thought, to give the hope each man does seek.”

Saint Not Named
January 4, 1977

“Prayer is unlimited. It says, ‘Please, Thank You, I hope so, I need, I will.’ Prayer says:
‘Help me, God, to be stronger than I am. Help me, God, to understand. Help me, God, to be a better man. Help me, God, to be good example. Help me, God, to attain what I need. Help me, God, in all my troubles. Help me, God, to correct all my errors. Help me, God, to face adversities. Help me, God, to seek Your Way, so I may one day understand what it meant to reach for purity.’

Saint Therese of Lisieux
May 20, 1977
“It would be better if I were to, under all stress, despite all my problems, hold first and above all things, the needs of my Soul.
A prayer to be used each day should be this:

‘Help me to grow, God, through the human flesh, to be a Saint with You forever because I purely faced every test.
Help me to be example to all other men so they will feel the beauty of my Soul, and in this I will teach them.
Grant me the Grace to always hold first the good of my Soul, in spite of my own distastes.’

“You – Your Soul – Your Will”
May 16, 1979

“I give you a prayer to say in My Honor. I give you the Words right now:
‘Heavenly Father, help me to feel Your Love that I know is truly real. Let my heart beat with Yours every moment of the day. Let my Faith grow in purity Your Way. Help me to feel the necessity to strive for purity in everything I do, in everything I say, in how I dress, how I work, how I live and how I pray.’

The Sacred Heart
July 11, 1979


“Dear God, help me to think pure and act in only pure ways.
Give me the Spiritual strength to sincerely commend my whole life to serving You.
Help me to always be in a state of Your Grace.
Help me to live offering everything to You for the benefit of my Soul.
Help me to always remember Your Will for me, so in all I am and all I do, I must keep Sainthood My Goal. Amen.”

“Prayer For Purity”
February 22, 1980

“Through my prayers, help me to reach purity. Through my prayers, help me to be example of purity. Through my prayers, help me to teach others purity. Through my prayers, let all things I am become pure.”

“Prayer Leads To Purity”
November 13, 1979

“Dear Saint Joseph, teach me the way You want me to be. Give me the strength to walk in purity. Stop me before an impure thought controls me. Make me think of what an impure act will do to The Father.
Help me to be example of Faith, Hope and Charity. Help me to be the protector that You want me to be. Give me the strength to provide what is necessary for my family, for my Soul, so I will be with God for All Eternity.”

Saint Joseph, The Holy Spirit
March 19, 1980

“Dear Saints In Heaven,
I want to become a Saint. I know I fall short of many Blessings, but please guide my efforts, direct my will, and never let me fall short of good example.
I need Your help in so many ways. I am asking for it, in hopes that You will hear my plea, and guide my way so I will be with God and You for All Eternity.”

“Dear Saints In Heaven”
January 26, 1981


“Dear Soul that God has given to me, to live with me, and to abide within me from the moment of my conception until the moment that God decides to take me. There are so many times I forget about You in my selfish moods and/or in my human weaknesses, and I ask You now to help me remember the responsibility I have for You, to return You to God one day forever.
I cannot see You, I cannot feel You, but God’s Love for me helps me to know that You exist within me. I have no doubt, because many times when I feel I want to be close to God, I want to change my weaknesses into strengths, it seems innate in me to know I have a Soul that will help me.
I pray on this night that You will never despair because of my actions in human life, and I ask You tonight to never feel that Sainthood for You is hopeless, for I promise You tonight I will strive to correct my ways, my errors, and return You to God as He Wills it to be, a Saint Who will bear my name for All Eternity.”

“A Prayer To My Soul”
February 12, 1982

“When you’re tired, all you have to say is, ‘Stay with me, God, I don’t want to be alone at this time.’ When you’re in fear, call His Name. You can be sure that He will hear.”

Our Heavenly Mother
April 21, 1982

“Remember to say the prayer:
‘Our Lady of All Light and All Purity, be with me.
Do not leave me and do not allow me to stray.’
And then do not forget to kneel, bow your head or genuflect.”

Saint Athanasius
May 5, 1982

“Never forget to add to this little prayer:
‘Saint Joseph, hold me close to the Wisdom of God, to the Will of God, and help me to learn to share the burden of the day and the love God expects me to give to others, the way He Wills it to be given through me today.’

Saint Therese of Lisieux
March 23, 1983

“I give you a prayer tonight for you to say, for in this prayer you will find a Ray of Hope and a bit of Light to help you through each day:
‘Saint Joseph, give me the strength to be the Way You were, the Provider, the Protector and the Guide, so that everyone who sees me will find the example that is necessary for them to follow, that will give their life more hope.’

Saint Joseph, The Holy Spirit
June 19, 1985

“We love to hear a child say: ‘Please, bless me. Help me. Be with me. Stay close to me. Don’t leave me. I need You.’ This is like music to Our Ears.”

Our Heavenly Mother
May 20, 1987

“Thank You, God, for giving me the courage and the strength to be able to even think of what temptation can do to me, and help me to not look at temptation as a momentary thing nor as a time of pleasure that I need, but help me to see temptation as a path to Hell, not Glory, for I want to be with You for All Eternity.”

February 22, 1988

“God, I love You, help me to be better today, help me to know the path of Truth, of Light, of Hope, so when the time comes that We will meet Face to face, I know that You will not send me away.”

Saint Thomas Aquinas
August 3, 1988

“Heavenly Father, I want to live. I know my Soul is with me at all times, but if I die, my Soul will leave what I am. Please, Heavenly Father, let me live so I can enjoy having more understanding regarding what life has been created for.”

Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque
July 15, 2004

“The Father enjoys hearing short phrases:
‘Thank You, God.’
‘Please help me, God.’
‘I love You, God.’
‘I’m sorry, God.’
‘Please forgive me, God; it won’t happen again.’
‘Help me to be good example.’
‘Help me to be the strength needed.’
‘Please, God, help me to be better.’

Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque
July 15, 2004

“It is so nice to hear someone say: ‘God, walk with me’; ‘God, help me’; ‘God, remember, I’m not too sure of what I am about to do or what I am about to say.’

Saint Teresa of Avila
December 9, 1992

“When a child says, ‘God, please help me save my Soul, so one day It will be returned to You in a state of purity that will please You,’ The Father, in His Joy at this request, blesses the child abundantly and says, ‘I will do all I can to give you the strength.’

Saint Anne
September 8, 1993

“Help me, Dear God, for I am not loved. I have no way of learning what love is to be. I want to know because it pleases Thee.”

Saint Agnes
July 21, 2000

“Bless me today, oh Heavenly Mother. Bless all in our house, bless all our friends, and please be sure to keep all in a pure way; and if they decide to stray, go after them, Blessed Mother, and please walk with them their way.”

Saint Alphonsus Liguori
April 22, 1992

“It does not take much to greet a Saint. All you say is:
‘Heavenly Mother, or Heavenly Father, please bless me on this day. Please give me the strength to endure things that I do not understand. Please help me to pray in ways You know will benefit me, and of course, my Soul.
Please, Dear Heavenly Mother, don’t cast me aside, but always remember, I love You, and I look to You for Your Help of me, so when the time comes and The Father beckons my way openly, I will be able to walk it in a pure way.’

Our Heavenly Mother
Saint Joseph, The Holy Spirit, Saint Augustine and Several Saints
August 21, 2006

“When you feel you’re faltering, come to Me and say: ‘I tripped and fell a little. Help me up, my Mother, so I will grow so strong that tomorrow I’ll be better.’ A beautiful way to live, My daughters. Try it one full day. Let criticism, doubts, disturbance, fall away.”

Our Heavenly Mother
April 20, 1970

“Once he [satan] grabs ahold, whether it be through materialism or a selfish goal, he does not let go until the child screams to God, ‘I love You, God, don’t let me go.’

Saint Michael
May 20, 1970

“Look to His Heart and say to Him this: ‘Let my heart beat with Yours through the life that You give. When a Soul such as mine is weak and disheartened, let the Love of Your Heart help mine be enlightened.’

Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque
May 20, 1970

“Please, God, come with me today. I will be lonesome if You do not.”

Saint Joseph
May 24, 1972

“Dear God, help me to accept the trials, the hurts, the envies, the disappointments. Help me to know what is just weakness in other men. Help me to stand for truth. Help me to spread much love to You. Help me to be obedient and practice what I teach others to follow. Help me to receive the Beloved Host with love and with honor. Help me to honor my Heavenly Mother by being obedient to Her Request to say the Holy Rosary. Help me, my God, to dedicate my life to what is best. I love You, give me the strength to pass all tests.”

Saint Joseph
May 24, 1972